Martin Street Public School

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Martin Street Memo - March 17th

STUDENT OF EXCELLENCE- MSPS would like to congratulate, Aryan P, on receiving this prestigious award.  Aryan’s commitment to both academics and extracurricular activities is truly commendable. Whether it's through his involvement in sports teams, student leadership or his positive influence on those around him, he continues to set an inspiring example for his peers. His hard work, dedication, and respectful nature have earned him the admiration of both teachers and fellow students. Keep up the amazing work—your future is incredibly bright, and we are all excited to see all that you will continue to achieve!

RETIREMENT- We would like to share the bittersweet news that Mrs. Leeder, our dedicated senior secretary, will be retiring on March 28th after 17 years of exceptional service with the Halton District School Board. Her kindness, professionalism, and tireless commitment have made a lasting impact, and she will be greatly missed by all who have had the privilege of working with her. As she embarks on this exciting new chapter, Mrs. Leeder looks forward to spending her time travelling with family and we know she will create many wonderful memories in her retirement. We wish her all the best in this next adventure and thank her for her many years of hard work and dedication. She will be greatly missed!

MOVE-A-THON - The Move-a-thon has been rescheduled for Thursday, April 17th.  During the Move-a-thon, alternative activities will be available in the library for students who do not wish to participate.

KINDERGARTEN REGISTRATION - The Halton District School Board is now accepting registrations for Junior (Year 1) and Senior (Year 2) Kindergarten for September 2025. Registration can be completed online or in-person. Parents/guardians are asked to register their child for school as soon as possible.

ONE STOP TALK - One Stop Talk offers children and youth (aged 0-17) anywhere in Ontario immediate access to free mental health support. The program provides single session counselling support and ensures direct referral to additional local services when needed. Services are provided through an integrated network of infant, child and youth mental health agencies across Ontario. Learn more at OneStopTalk

WEDNESDAY WRAPS starting up again on March 26th - An important note regarding Wednesday Wraps. There are no Wraps for this Wednesday, March 19th.  Wraps will resume on Wednesday, March 26th and finish on Wednesday, June 18th. All ordering information is on SCO.

Important Dates

School Council March 31st (7pm)

PA Day April 4th

Arts Night                                  April 10th 

Rescheduled Move-a-thon April 17th

Good Friday / Easter Monday April 18-21st

Grade 8 Grad June 24th

Martin Street Memo - Feb 3

MOVE-A-THON - We are excited to share that the school community has raised $880 so far for our School Council initiatives! Thanks to everyone’s generous support, our students will be treated to a fun reward—hot chocolate and cartoons!

We’re just $320 away from reaching the next prize level, so if you’d like to help us reach that goal, any additional contributions are always appreciated. 

Thank you again for your continued support!

Information for the Move-a-thon can be found on School Cash Online:


PIZZA for TERM TWO - The second term of Pizza will run from Monday, February 10th to Monday, June 23rd. This will close on SCO on Wednesday, Feb. 5th. This fundraising supports extracurricular activities and field trips.

MORNING SUPERVISION - We would like to remind everyone that students should not arrive at school before 9:00 am, as there is no supervision available prior to that time. For the safety and well-being of all students, we ask that children arrive no earlier than 9:00 am, when supervision begins.

KINDERGARTEN REGISTRATION - The Halton District School Board is now accepting registrations for Junior (Year 1) and Senior (Year 2) Kindergarten for September 2025. Registration can be completed online or in-person. Parents/guardians are asked to register their child for school as soon as possible.


Save the date! HDSB parents/guardians and community members are invited to the 2025 Parent Involvement Committee Conference: Getting Connected on Saturday, Feb. 8, from 9 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. at Elsie MacGill Secondary School in Milton.

This free event will feature informative workshops, community partners and displays and a keynote address by Dr. Alex Russell, Ph.D., C.Psych., Clinical Psychologist and author of Drop the Worry Ball: How to Parent in the Age of Entitlement. Lunch will be provided and free childminding for children aged 4-12 is available. Further information and registration details will be shared in January! 

NEW HDSB MULTI-YEAR STRATEGIC PLAN - The HDSB has a new Multi-Year Strategic Plan (MYSP)! The 2024-2028 MYSP will guide our work throughout the next four years to support students’ academic success, well-being and growth. Shaped by the collaborative efforts and voices of our community, each of the six commitments within this plan works in tandem to create supportive and effective learning environments. Stay tuned for more updates as we bring this plan to life inside and outside the classroom. Learn more: Multi-year Plan 

ONE STOP TALK - One Stop Talk offers children and youth (aged 0-17) anywhere in Ontario immediate access to free mental health support. The program provides single session counselling support and ensures direct referral to additional local services when needed. Services are provided through an integrated network of infant, child and youth mental health agencies across Ontario. Learn more at OneStopTalk

Important Dates

Move-a-thon Feb 13

PA Day - no school for students Feb 14th

Family Day Feb 17th (no school)

Junglesport Feb 24th-28th ( cancelled)

Martin Street Memo - January 16th

FLU SEASON - As flu season approaches, we want to remind everyone of the importance of handwashing and good hygiene. Regular handwashing with soap for at least 20 seconds, covering coughs and sneezes, and avoiding face-touching are key in preventing the spread of illness. Let’s work together to keep our school healthy this season.

PARENTS OF GRADE 1 STUDENTS - Registration is now open for Grade 2 French Immersion for the 2025-26 school year.  Parents with students currently in grade 1 can register their child for this exciting program, which is offered at Martin Street.  Registration is open until January 31, 2025.  This is the only opportunity for children to register for French Immersion in the HDSB.

For more information or to register please access the links shared below:  Grade 2 FI Parent Information Session

KINDERGARTEN REGISTRATION - The Halton District School Board is now accepting registrations for Junior (Year 1) and Senior (Year 2) Kindergarten for September 2025. Registration can be completed online or in-person. Parents/guardians are asked to register their child for school as soon as possible.

MILTON HYDRO PRESENTATION - On Tuesday, January 28, Milton Hydro will visit Martin Street and students will have the opportunity to learn about electricity safety and conservation.  Students from all grade levels will participate in this assembly.



Save the date! HDSB parents/guardians and community members are invited to the 2025 Parent Involvement Committee Conference: Getting Connected on Saturday, Feb. 8, from 9 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. at Elsie MacGill Secondary School in Milton.

This free event will feature informative workshops, community partners and displays and a keynote address by Dr. Alex Russell, Ph.D., C.Psych., Clinical Psychologist and author of Drop the Worry Ball: How to Parent in the Age of Entitlement. Lunch will be provided and free childminding for children aged 4-12 is available. Further information and registration details will be shared in January! 


In an attempt to reduce interruptions in classroom learning please ensure that after school arrangements are made before your child comes to school. In doing so, there will not be numerous calls in the classes for pick ups etc.


We are unable to dismiss students after 3:00 as it is difficult to safely locate students when classes are preparing for the end of the day. As well, we cannot get messages to students after 3:05 with changes in after school arrangements. We appreciate your cooperation with this.

NEW HDSB MULTI-YEAR STRATEGIC PLAN - The HDSB has a new Multi-Year Strategic Plan (MYSP)! The 2024-2028 MYSP will guide our work throughout the next four years to support students’ academic success, well-being and growth. Shaped by the collaborative efforts and voices of our community, each of the six commitments within this plan works in tandem to create supportive and effective learning environments. Stay tuned for more updates as we bring this plan to life inside and outside the classroom. Learn more: Multi-year Plan 

ONE STOP TALK - One Stop Talk offers children and youth (aged 0-17) anywhere in Ontario immediate access to free mental health support. The program provides single session counselling support and ensures direct referral to additional local services when needed. Services are provided through an integrated network of infant, child and youth mental health agencies across Ontario. Learn more at OneStopTalk

Important Dates

School Council Jan 13th (7pm)

PA Day - no school for students Jan 27th

Grad Photos (Grade 8) Feb 3rd

PA Day - no school for students Feb 14th

Family Day Feb 17th (no school)

Junglesport Feb 24th-28th

Martin Street Memo - December 16th

Thank you to the School Council for organizing our potluck event that was held last Thursday evening.  It was wonderful to see so many Martin Street families in attendance.  The evening was a great success and we hope to make this an annual event!

MITTEN AND HAT COLLECTION - We are collecting donations of new mittens, gloves and hats.  Please bring all donations to the main office.  We will be accepting donations until Wednesday, December 18th.

WINTER SPIRIT WEEK - Martin Street will be getting ready for the winter break with a week full of school-wide spirit days. 

PARENTS OF GRADE 1 STUDENTS - Registration is now open for Grade 2 French Immersion for the 2025-26 school year.  Parents with students currently in grade 1 can register their child for this exciting program, which is offered at Martin Street.  For more information or to register please access the links shared below.  Registration is open until January 31, 2025.  This is the only opportunity for children to register in French Immersion in the HDSB.

MILTON HYDRO PRESENTATION - On Tuesday, January 28, Milton Hydro will visit Martin Street and students will have the opportunity to learn about electricity safety and conservation.  Students from all grade levels will participate in this assembly.

INCLEMENT WEATHER REMINDERS - As the weather is getting colder and we have some snow on our playground, it is a good idea to send your children with extra clothing (snow pants, socks, mitts, pants) in case they get wet. 

With temperatures still keeping us guessing, winter weather could surprise us any time! To stay prepared, families are encouraged to review the HDSB Inclement Weather Reminders for important updates about school closures and bus cancellations. A printable version of this information is also available. If your child is bused to school, please ensure you know which transportation zone you are located in. Let’s stay connected and safe when wintry conditions arrive!


Save the date! HDSB parents/guardians and community members are invited to the 2025 Parent Involvement Committee Conference: Getting Connected on Saturday, Feb. 8, from 9 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. at Elsie MacGill Secondary School in Milton.

This free event will feature informative workshops, community partners and displays and a keynote address by Dr. Alex Russell, Ph.D., C.Psych., Clinical Psychologist and author of Drop the Worry Ball: How to Parent in the Age of Entitlement. Lunch will be provided and free childminding for children aged 4-12 is available. Further information and registration details will be shared in January! 

STUDENT PICK UP AND DROP OFFS - Arrangements for early pick ups must be made early in the day. Please inform us through the School Messenger app (by 9:30 AM the day of) or by email at (by Noon the day of) in order for us to have enough time to inform the teachers. In doing so, learning will not have to be interrupted for the entire classroom.

Please note, we are not able to dismiss students after 3:00 as it is difficult to safely locate students when classes are preparing for the end of the day. As well, we cannot get messages to students after 3:05 with changes in after school arrangements. We appreciate your cooperation with this.

NEW HDSB MULTI-YEAR STRATEGIC PLAN - The HDSB has a new Multi-Year Strategic Plan (MYSP)! The 2024-2028 MYSP will guide our work throughout the next four years to support students’ academic success, well-being and growth. Shaped by the collaborative efforts and voices of our community, each of the six commitments within this plan works in tandem to create supportive and effective learning environments. Stay tuned for more updates as we bring this plan to life inside and outside the classroom. Learn more: Multi-year Plan 

ONE STOP TALK - One Stop Talk offers children and youth (aged 0-17) anywhere in Ontario immediate access to free mental health support. The program provides single session counselling support and ensures direct referral to additional local services when needed. Services are provided through an integrated network of infant, child and youth mental health agencies across Ontario. Learn more at OneStopTalk

Important Dates

Early Dismissal 2:05 P.M.                     December 20

Winter Break - School is Closed   December 20 - January 3

Martin Street Memo - Dec. 3rd

Thank you to all the families who participated in the student-led conferences last week. It is always so nice to see our families in the building!

MSPS HOLIDAY POTLUCK!  On December 12 (6-8pm), the MSPS School Council invites you to join us for a school-wide holiday potluck! A night of food, family, friends and fun!

There is more complete information and the RSVP link on the attached Google form:  

RSVP by completing this short Google Form.  

Please add flyer for potluck

INCLEMENT WEATHER REMINDERS - As the weather is getting colder and we have some snow on our playground, it is a good idea to send your children with extra clothing (snow pants, socks, mitts, pants) in case they get wet. 

With temperatures still keeping us guessing, winter weather could surprise us any time! To stay prepared, families are encouraged to review the HDSB Inclement Weather Reminders for important updates about school closures and bus cancellations. A printable version of this information is also available. If your child is bused to school, please ensure you know which transportation zone you are located in. Let’s stay connected and safe when wintry conditions arrive!

STUDENT PICK UP AND DROP OFFS - Arrangements for early pick ups must be made early in the day. Please inform us through the School Messenger app (by 9:30 AM the day of) or by email at (by Noon the day of) in order for us to have enough time to inform the teachers. In doing so, learning will not have to be interrupted for the entire classroom.


Please note, we are not able to dismiss students after 3:00 as it is difficult to safely locate students when classes are preparing for the end of the day. As well, we cannot get messages to students after 3:05 with changes in after school arrangements. We appreciate your cooperation with this.

NEW HDSB MULTI-YEAR STRATEGIC PLAN - The HDSB has a new Multi-Year Strategic Plan (MYSP)! The 2024-2028 MYSP will guide our work throughout the next four years to support students’ academic success, well-being and growth. Shaped by the collaborative efforts and voices of our community, each of the six commitments within this plan works in tandem to create supportive and effective learning environments. Stay tuned for more updates as we bring this plan to life inside and outside the classroom. Learn more: Multi-year Plan 

KINDERGARTEN INFORMATION SESSION OFFERED BY THE WELCOME CENTRE - Youth Settlement Specialists from the HDSB will be holding Virtual Kindergarten Information Sessions in February 2025 for parents/guardians of students starting Kindergarten in September 2025.  Sessions are offered in multiple languages (Mandarin, Arabic, Hindi/Urdu, Ukrainian and Russian). For more information and to register please visit HDSB Kindergarten Information Session

ONE STOP TALK - One Stop Talk offers children and youth (aged 0-17) anywhere in Ontario immediate access to free mental health support. The program provides single session counselling support and ensures direct referral to additional local services when needed. Services are provided through an integrated network of infant, child and youth mental health agencies across Ontario. Learn more at OneStopTalk

Important Dates

MSPS School Council Holiday Potluck December 12

Early Dismissal 2:05 P.M. December 20

Winter Break December 20 - January 3

Martin Street Memo - Nov. 11

MARTIN STREET RECOGNIZES REMEMBRANCE DAY - Students and staff gathered in the gym today to observe Remembrance Day.  We heard performances from the Primary/Junior and Intermediate Choirs, poetry in both French and English and a presentation that highlighted the contributions of Canadian Indigenous veterans.  Additionally, classes created artwork that was shared around the gym during the assembly.

EQUITY CLUB LEADS LEARNING ABOUT DIWALI - In the weeks leading up to Diwali, our Equity Club led activities throughout the school.  Students created rangoli patterns on our blacktop, and decorated diyas. Our primary students took part in a book reading led by members of our student equity club. Some pictures of the beautiful rangoli patterns can be seen below.

STUDENT PICK UP AND DROP OFFS - Arrangements for early pick ups must be made early in the day. There are too many interruptions into the classroom for student pickups. 

Please inform us through the School Messenger app or by email at by Noon in order for us to have enough time to inform the teachers. In doing so, learning will not have to be interrupted for the entire classroom 

Please note, we are not able to dismiss students between 3:05 and 3:35 as it is too difficult to safely locate students when classes are preparing for the end of the day. As well, we cannot get messages to students after 3:05 with changes in after school arrangements. 

We appreciate your co-operation with this.

TERRA COTTA FROZEN COOKIE DOUGH FUNDRAISING - The Grade 8s are fundraising to help offset costs for their graduation evening in June. There is a choice of 12 cookie dough flavours, including two gluten-free choices and a vegan option! Each box contains 40 x 20g pre-formed “Dough Drops™”. 

Cookie Dough Drop Boxes are $15.00 each, and Shortbread Gift Boxes are $10.00 each.

Order on line on October 21 to November 29. Orders will be delivered on December 18.

If you are interested in supporting this, please see the following link:

Terra Cotta Cookies

SPIRIT WEAR - School spirit wear is available directly from SchoolTee. Please see the attachment below for ordering information. Also, information for Grade 8 grad wear is available.  The deadline for ordering is November 11th. 

COOKIES ON SCO - The Martin Street Junior/Senior Choir is fundraising to pay for an out-of-school performance. No venue has been chosen yet. Please help support the choir by purchasing the November/December vanilla snowman-shaped cookie from Terra Cotta which will be delivered to students every Thursday (Nov. 14, 21, 28, Dec. 5, 12, 19). Payment of $12 is for all 6 weeks. The information can be found on School Cash Online (SCO). This closes by the end of the day on Monday, Nov. 11. 

SAVE THE DATE - MSPS Holiday Potluck!  On December 12, join us for a school-wide holiday potluck! A night of food, family, friends and fun! Bring a nut-free dish to share! More details to follow! Save the date!

IMMUNIZATIONS - Please see the attached letter from Public Health, regarding immunizations.

BUS SAFETY - A reminder that items, such as hockey sticks, are not allowed on school buses as they can pose safety risks for both the driver and passengers and may hinder a quick evacuation in case of emergency. The following equipment is not permitted on school buses: 

For more details, please refer to the Operating Procedure HS-3-010 – Transporting Equipment on the School Bus, available on the Halton Bus website. We kindly request that this information be included in the school newsletter to ensure families are informed about these procedures.

CALLING ALL THREE YEAR OLDS -  In October and November, the HDSB will be hosting Kindergarten Open Houses in Acton, Georgetown, Milton, Burlington and Oakville to answer any questions families may have and help future students feel comfortable and confident as they start their educational journey. Learn more: 

ONE STOP TALK - One Stop Talk offers children and youth (aged 0-17) anywhere in Ontario immediate access to free mental health support. The program provides single session counselling support and ensures direct referral to additional local services when needed. Services are provided through an integrated network of infant, child and youth mental health agencies across Ontario. Learn more at OneStopTalk

Important Dates

Spirit Wear orders due November 11

Picture Re-take Day November 13

Grade 7 Immunization November 13 and 14

Progress Reports go home November 18

Terra Cotta orders due November 29

PD Day November 29

Martin Street Memo - October 21, 2024

STUDENT PICK UP AND DROP OFFS - Our school day is from 9:15 AM to 3:35 PM. While we understand that changes in family schedules happen, it is important for your child to be in school for the entire day. We recognize that there are rare occasions when a child may need to be picked up early. Your child will be called down for dismissal once a parent or guardian has arrived at the school and has rung the bell to let us know that they are here to have them dismissed. We are not able to dismiss students between 3:05 and 3:35 as it is too difficult to safely locate students when classes are preparing for the end of the day. Please enter early departures in School Messenger before 9:30 AM and/or email

TERRA COTTA FROZEN COOKIE DOUGH FUNDRAISING - The Grade 8s are fundraising to help offset costs for their graduation evening in June. There is a choice of 12 cookie dough flavours, including two gluten-free choices and a vegan option! Each box contains 40 x 20g pre-formed “Dough Drops™”. 

Cookie Dough Drop Boxes are $15.00 each, and Shortbread Gift Boxes are $10.00 each.

Order on line on October 21 to November 29. Orders will be delivered on December 18.

If you are interested in supporting this, please see the following link:

Terra Cotta Cookies

PIZZA, WRAPS and HARVEY’S - Pizza and Wraps are available on SCO (School Cash Online). For those that missed ordering Pizza when it was initially offered in September, it is available now for an 11-week session from November 4th to February 3rd.   For those that have already ordered, you are able to add to your child’s order if you would like.

Wraps are available for a 7-week session from November 4th to December 18th. The wraps available are Chicken, Chicken Caesar, Veggie and Turkey. The ingredient list can be found on School Cash Online.

The Pizza and Wraps are available on SCO until October 30th. 

Harvey’s is available through Lunchbox on School Cash Online on an ongoing basis.

The school lunches help support field trips and other extracurricular activities.

SPIRIT WEAR - School spirit wear is available directly from SchoolTee. Please see the attachment below for ordering information. Also, information for Grade 8 grad wear is available.  The deadline for ordering is November 11th.

IMMUNIZATIONS - Please see the attached letter from Public Health, regarding immunizations.

BUS SAFETY - A reminder that items, such as hockey sticks, are not allowed on school buses as they can pose safety risks for both the driver and passengers and may hinder a quick evacuation in case of emergency. The following equipment is not permitted on school buses: 

For more details, please refer to the Operating Procedure HS-3-010 – Transporting Equipment on the School Bus, available on the Halton Bus website. We kindly request that this information be included in the school newsletter to ensure families are informed about these procedures.

CALLING ALL THREE YEAR OLDS -  In October and November, the HDSB will be hosting Kindergarten Open Houses in Acton, Georgetown, Milton, Burlington and Oakville to answer any questions families may have and help future students feel comfortable and confident as they start their educational journey. Learn more: 

ONE STOP TALK - One Stop Talk offers children and youth (aged 0-17) anywhere in Ontario immediate access to free mental health support. The program provides single session counselling support and ensures direct referral to additional local services when needed. Services are provided through an integrated network of infant, child and youth mental health agencies across Ontario. Learn more at OneStopTalk

Important Dates

School Council November 4 @7:00 PM

Progress Reports go home November 18

Spirit Wear orders due November 11

Terra Cotta orders due November 29

PD Day November 29

Martin Street Memo - October 7th

IMMUNIZATIONS: Please see the attached letter from Public Health, regarding immunizations.

HARVEYS LUNCH: Harvey’s is available though Lunchbox on School Cash Online. The school lunches help support field trips and other extracurricular activities.

PICTURE DAY: A reminder that picture day is tomorrow, Wednesday October 9th.

PARKING FOR BEFORE AND AFTER SCHOOL - Parking and traffic around MSPS is very busy before and after school. Parents are encouraged to have students ride on HSTS transportation or to walk to school. Please respect our neighbours and do not park on Private Property. This includes the apartment building at 224 Martin Street. The parking at this building is only for the tenants of this building. 

SCHOOL COUNCIL - Thank you to the families who came out to our first school council meeting. We have voted in our members for this year and we look forward to an exciting year ahead. Our upcoming school council dates are as follows; November 4th, Jan 13th, April 7th, May 12th (possibly). Our meetings are held in the learning commons from 7 -8 pm and all are welcome to attend. 

CALLING ALL THREE YEAR OLDS -  In October and November, the HDSB will be hosting Kindergarten Open Houses in Acton, Georgetown, Milton, Burlington and Oakville to answer any questions families may have and help future students feel comfortable and confident as they start their educational journey. Learn more: 

ONE STOP TALK - One Stop Talk offers children and youth (aged 0-17) anywhere in Ontario immediate access to free mental health support. The program provides single session counselling support and ensures direct referral to additional local services when needed. Services are provided through an integrated network of infant, child and youth mental health agencies across Ontario. Learn more at OneStopTalk

Important Dates

Wednesday, October 9th Picture Day

Thursday, October 10th         World Mental Health Day

Friday, October 11th Yom Kippur

Friday, October 11th PA Day - No school for students

Monday, October 14th         Thanksgiving Day - No school

MSPS Masterpieces

Martin Street Public School has been busy! Check out some of the beautiful artwork hanging throughout our halls.