Martin Street Public School

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Martin Street Memo

With the heat advisory this week, we will be monitoring the temperatures and any strenuous outdoor activity will be cancelled. We will be reminding students to drink plenty of water. For Tuesday, June 18th, outdoor phys. ed. class, intramurals and inter-school athletic practices and competitions are cancelled.

Play Day:  There was a message sent out last week about a hot dog lunch being offered on Play day, Wednesday June 26. The message included a link to fill out a form for your child in order to receive a hot dog, juice box and a bag of chips.

If you haven't filled out the form yet, please click on this link

This form will close tomorrow, Tuesday June 18th at 9pm. 

No late forms will be accepted. 

Please be sure the students dress for the weather as most of the activities will be taking place outside.

Cultural Connections Feedback:  Please see below for the feedback from for the Cultural Connections event on June 6. The School Council would greatly appreciate any feedback you have. 

Feedback Form Link:

Jump Rope for Heart: Just a reminder that our Jump Event will be taking place on Friday, June 21st (weather permitting)! If you haven’t already registered online to fundraise, there is still time! Click the link to register to our school’s event page: . Also, check out the new downloadable QR Code located in your Participant Center. You can download it to a mobile device or print it, so your child can ask family and friends to simply scan their code and donate! Lasty, take a look at the Jump Dance Fit Academy website at

2024-2028 Multi-Year Plan - Provide your input: Parents, guardians, staff, students and community members are invited to share their thoughts and identify potential priorities for the HDSB’s next Multi-Year Plan (MYP) by completing an online questionnaire by June 25.

The MYP is the roadmap that guides the Board in creating the conditions for students and staff to thrive. It informs the Board’s decisions and allocation of resources while guiding staff’s collective actions for ongoing improvement over the next four years.

Learn more and provide input: 

Uniform donations: The School Council is hoping to support our wonderful Martin Street sports teams with new uniforms. If you would like to support our teams, please go onto School Cash Online to the “Make a Donation” button!

Ticks in the Community: As the presence of ticks is on the rise in Southern Ontario, we wanted to give you information from the Public Health Department on managing and living with Ticks in the community.  Public Health has made a Fact Sheet available on their website: HE-tick-id-card-fact-sheet.pdf ( Health Canada has also recently posted new resources on blacklegged ticks on their website. There are videos, posters, games that can help you and your children know more about managing these pests

Mabel’s Labels: If you would like to order labels, follow this link.  The proceeds will go towards School Council initiatives. 

Upcoming Dates:

June 21st:  Jump Rope for Heart

June 25th:  Report Cards go home

June 25th:  Grade 8 Grad

June 26th:  Play Day

June 28th:  Last day of school and early dismissal @ 2:05 PM


MSPS Masterpieces

Martin Street Public School has been busy! Check out some of the beautiful artwork hanging throughout our halls.